由Zack 所製作的“Delicate Boundaries” 來,讓平面的東西,突破了螢幕的外框,其作品名稱照字面翻成中文,或許是”微妙的界線”。
隨著數位技術,變得更加根植於日常生活,虛擬和現實之間的界限是越來越模糊。 微妙的界限想像空間中的世界在我們的數碼設備可以進入物理世界。 小蟲爬出來的電腦屏幕上,人體與他們接觸。系統探討了微妙的界限之間存在外國系統以及它可能意味著跨他們。
As digital technologies become more embedded in everyday life, the line between the virtual and real is increasingly blurred. Delicate Boundaries imagines a space in which the worlds inside our digital devices can move into the physical world. Small bugs made of light, crawl out of the computer screen onto the human bodies that make contact with them. The system explores the subtle boundaries that exist between foreign systems and what it might mean to cross them. This work was created with the support of Medialab Prado, Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, and Hangar.
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