紐西蘭27歲的年輕藝術家Karl D.D. Willis製作的的光塗鴉(Light Tracer)這是個交互的牆上「創作工具」,容許使用者或者玩家透過任何的光源在屏幕上書寫,塗鴉、繪畫和描摹圖像。光源由簡單的數碼錄影機追蹤後顯現在眼前的背後投影的顯示屏幕上。這個藉由光線的塗鴉系統可以用它來書寫字句或信息外,也可繪圖或者描摹臉、手任何透過光源產生的圖像。
Short Description:Light Tracer is an interactive installation which invites the participant to write, draw and trace images in real physical space. The participant is situated in front of a screen reflecting their own image, and by manipulating a series of light sources the participant can leave marks on the screen such as drawings, messages, and trace out physical objects such as faces, hands and bodies.
Artist Biography:Karl D.D. Willis is a New Zealand born, Tokyo based interaction designer/media artist, currently a research student at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. His research focuses on examining what contributes to an engaging interactive experience, and moreover the relationship creativity has to the engagement of the user.
An ongoing theme in his work involves the creation of systems for user creativity. The Light Tracer project has to date been exhibited in a diverse range of events, from music festivals to conferences to featuring on broadcast television; taking place on both sides of the globe in Italy, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
He has previously collaborated with Japanese programmer-artist Nao Tokui on Sonasphere, a generative audio software application and its subsequent exhibition at the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, Japan.
Artist Biography:Karl D.D. Willis is a New Zealand born, Tokyo based interaction designer/media artist, currently a research student at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. His research focuses on examining what contributes to an engaging interactive experience, and moreover the relationship creativity has to the engagement of the user.
An ongoing theme in his work involves the creation of systems for user creativity. The Light Tracer project has to date been exhibited in a diverse range of events, from music festivals to conferences to featuring on broadcast television; taking place on both sides of the globe in Italy, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
He has previously collaborated with Japanese programmer-artist Nao Tokui on Sonasphere, a generative audio software application and its subsequent exhibition at the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, Japan.