作品:運動+旋律(Motion + Melody)
作者:Mark Lin
“運動+旋律”是由Mark Lin創造的視聽互動裝置,能夠將人體的動作轉化為聲音和視覺媒體。作品由一個套在透明管裏的細小裝置進行視覺輸入採集,同時做動作記錄。設施記錄的視覺資訊能夠同時轉成圖像,並生成類似聲帶的伴奏。“動作+旋律”把真實的時間線索進行扭曲變形,提取出記錄的空間的片段重新組合,創造一個動態的資訊,圖像與聲音都變得虛幻,給人以錯覺,是數位藝術的獨特藝術表現形式。
“motion + melody” is a visual and aural interactive digital installation that treats body motion as audio data. A thin visual input device enclosed in a transparent tube serves as the recording head for motion. This visual information is translated into an image and soundscape. “motion + melody” fragments the time line, extracts only a slice of the space, reconstructs it, and dynamically creates illusory images and sounds. This piece presents a unique aesthetic and approach to digital art.
“motion + melody” is a visual and aural interactive digital installation that treats body motion as audio data. A thin visual input device enclosed in a transparent tube serves as the recording head for motion. This visual information is translated into an image and soundscape. “motion + melody” fragments the time line, extracts only a slice of the space, reconstructs it, and dynamically creates illusory images and sounds. This piece presents a unique aesthetic and approach to digital art.
“motion + melody” works like a musical instrument. It records and interprets visual information by translating an analog signal into sounds. Physically, “motion + melody” also maps the mechanical part of audio systems. It contains an input (record head), an output (speakers) and an inner signal translator. It also has a turntable, which allows the user to scratch the recorded tracks. Unlike normal audio systems, “motion + melody” generates a synchronized audio and visual experience.
“motion + melody” works like a musical instrument. It records and interprets visual information by translating an analog signal into sounds. Physically, “motion + melody” also maps the mechanical part of audio systems. It contains an input (record head), an output (speakers) and an inner signal translator. It also has a turntable, which allows the user to scratch the recorded tracks. Unlike normal audio systems, “motion + melody” generates a synchronized audio and visual experience.