2009年5月27日 星期三

Bubble Screen

Bubble Screen
An air pixel display

官網: http://beta-tank.com/bubble-screen.html

氣泡屏幕是一個有機的三維顯示系統,由BetaTank的Daniel Kupfer和Eyal Burstein創建。該系統採用水泡創造圖片和文字。該顯示器由一個大水箱一排箱子它們放在底部的洞。採用水泵系統是有可能的控制的規模和速度的水泡出來的漏洞,從而利用氣泡作為像素或移動發光二極管。面臨的最大挑戰的設計者已經克服的問題,氣泡產生時 , 第一泡沫太多摩擦的經驗,第二個泡沫(以下一個泡沫)趕上第一個,從而廢墟的形象。坦克使用了高粘性液體類似洗髮水,以解決這一問題,並獲得一個可行的刷新率。

The bubble screen uses air and water as a display medium.The screen is a tank of water and the pixels are individual air bubbles that are released from a mechanism at the base. This enables the screen to display characters typed on the computer to which it is connected. As the bubbles rise, the message floats upwards and disperses on the surface.The size of the pixel buttons can be controlled, and this affects the speed at which the bubbles rise, as well as the intensity of the font.The effect of the fleeting floating display is soothing and relaxing as each pixel bubble ascends smoothly in time with its peers. This could easily be modified by lighting to achieve different effects, and the whole mechanism could be scaled up to create complex and spectacular displays. The movie exhibited at the MoMA's Design and the Elastic Mind exhibition shows a prototype bubble screen in action.


